We are looking for partners to join our project consortium in H2020-ICT-33-2019 Startup Europe for growth and innovation radar call for proposals published by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework programme.
This project aims to support actions for scaling up businesses, and connecting startup ecosystems and supporting cross-border activities, such as: 1) connecting tech entrepreneurs with potential customers, business partners, and investors (business angels, venture capital) 2) accessing skills, 3) helping startups soft land in new markets, 4) stimulating partnerships between scaleups and large corporations, 5) supporting startups, scaleups, spinoffs, and innovative SMEs, 6) providing mentoring, coaching, and investor readiness training to startups. (A total budget of €10 million is available. 5-7 projects will be funded. So, each project consortium will get about €1,5 million Euros). Please fill in this Partner Search form as complete as possible.